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Philippine Business Conference and Expo

The PBC&E is an annual 2-day business summit that provides the collaborative venue for policymaders and business and induistry captains to meet and exchange ideas on current issues and business  opportunities.  One of the significant highlights of the PBC&E is the audience with the Philippine President where the business community presents a set of policy resolutions with the that emanated from the national and regional consultations.

PCCI names Ferrer as 48th PBC&E Chair

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EMS Group of Companies Chairman and CEO Perry Ferrer is leading this year’s 48th Philippine Business Conference and Expo, the biggest business conference in the country, organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), to be held at the Manila Hotel.


The PCCI Board unanimously voted Ferrer, who heads PCCI’s Digital Innovation and Science and Technology Committee.


“I am honored with the appointment and excited at the same time to lead this prestigious event. This will be the first time in two years that we will be doing it again face to face.  As the recognized voice of business in the country, PCCI is taking the lead in spreading the good news, and as our theme suggests that the Philippines is now open and ready for business.”


The PBC&E is PCCI’s annual business event that serves as a venue for policymakers, business leaders, diplomats, academe, and MSMEs to meet and discuss issues and come up with policy recommendations to help create a business environment that is sustainable and resilient.


Ferrer has been in the semiconductor industry for almost two decades. His company is engaged in providing semiconductor engineering and electronic assembly services. He is also a board member of several business organizations such as Treasurer of Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines, Inc. (SEIPI), Trustee for Electronic Sector of Philippine Exporters Confederation Inc. (PhilExport), and Trustee of Philippine-Japan Economic Cooperation Committee, Inc. (PHILJEC).


This year’s 48th PBC&E will look at how the new government will build on the reform measure adopted by the Duterte administration to strengthen the country’s economic gains, solidify its leadership position in the ASEAN region and make a real difference to the economy and the Filipino people.


The conference will feature sessions with the economic managers and other members of the cabinet of the incoming government.

48th PBC&E Highlights


48th PBC&E



Speech &


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48th PBC&E

Day 1 Photos

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48th PBC&E

Day 2 Photos

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