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How to Join

Thank you for your interest in the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We have designed various membership programs and services to cater your business needs, regardless of the size of your company or interests. 




(Annual Dues based on Assets Size)


P3,000,000 to P15 million                                                                        P18,000.00

P15,000,000 to P100 million                                                                      24,000.00

Application fee                                                                                              2,000.00


P100,000,001 million above                                                                    P30,000,00

Application fee                                                                                              5,000.00

ASSOCIATION MEMBERS                                                                            P7,200.00

LOCAL CHAMBER MEMBERS                                                                        7,200.00

AFFILIATE MEMBERS                                                                                      7,200.00


Application fee is one time only  (non-refundable)                         P2,000.00

Please make your check payable to: 

Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. 


1. Accomplish the Membership Application Form and submit together with the following documentary requirements:
    • SEC/DTI Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (submission every 5 years)
    • Latest copy of General Information Sheet (GIS)
    • Latest copy of Business Permit

    * Latest copy of Annual Financial Report submitted to BIR/SEC
    • BIR 2303 Certificate of Registration

    * Company Profile

    * List of members (for local chamber, association, organizations)
    • Passport-size photo of the primary and alternate representatives
    • Company Logo (high resolution)
    • Check payment representing your company's application fee and membership dues for one

  * Annual submission of Business Permit      



Membership Secretariat:

Contact Number: (632) 8846-8196 loc. 101 


Membership Application Form
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