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Certificate of Origin



A Certificate of Origin (CO) is a document attesting that goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained or produced or manufactured or processed in a particular country (country of origin). Virtually every country in the world considers the origin of imported goods when determining what duty will be assessed on the goods or, in some cases, whether the goods may be legally imported at all.

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI) is authorized by the Philippine Government to issue Certificate of Origins (CO). The CO is a basic requirement in customs clearance or trade documentation for goods of origin exported by local registered companies. For the convenience of all the CO applicants, the PCCI provides options to process the CO for the convenient of the applicants. To help you process your CO, you may refer to the procedures below:



New Applicantes

  1. Submit the accomplished application form together with the following documentary requirements:

    1. SEC/DTI Certificate of Registration

    2. Authorized signatories with specimen signature

    3. Authorized Processor

    4. 2303 - from the BIR

    5. Client Profile Registration System (Exporters Accreditation issued by the BOC)


Manual CO Processing

  1. Purchase one set of CO form

  2. Completely fill-out the form and submit with the required export documents:

    1. Export Declaration

    2. Bill of Lading

    3. Packing List and Invoice

    4. Authorization Letter indicating the CO Number (if CO is to be signed by a representative/processor)

  3. Proceed to the cashier for payment

  4. Receive the signed and endorsed CO forms


(1) Service Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday – 9.00 am to 3.00 pm
Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: closed

(2) Office Adddress: 
Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry 
3rd Floor Commerce and Industry Plaza, 1030 Campus Ave., cor. Park Ave., McKinley Town Center, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City 
Mobile No.: 0939 9055 110

Remarks:  Issue of one set of Certificate of Origin (5 copies inclusive of 1 original and 1 copy for our Chamber's record)


 Download CO (Certificate of Origin) Form.

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