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The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (PCCI) congratulates the winners of the 2022 Alfredo M. Yao IP Award.

The winners received their awards presented by Mr. Antonio Ll. Sayo, Chairman of the PCCI Intellectual Property Committee and Atty. Rowel Barba , Director General of Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines during the 48th Philippine Business Conference & Expo (PBC&E) held last 19 October 2022 at the Manila Hotel.


Title of Technology/Invention: Organic Animal Feed Peller

Agricultural processing generates a lot of agricultural wastes; and one category of such waste are agricultural crop residues such as bagasse, leaves, peel, straw, stem, shell, stalk, husk, pulp, and stubble, etc. These wastes from the agricultural sector are generally left unutilized, are becoming a threat to global health and food security.


Livestock and poultry are two of the most important subsectors in the Philippines’ agricultural industry; of all animals reared for human consumption, hogs and poultry are the most consumed. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the livestock and poultry productions are drastically affected. The Philippines heavily depends on imports to meet local demand for feed ingredients such as corn, bran, and fish meals; with this scenario, the costs of raw materials for feed production increases.


It is in this premise that the inventors would like to address the use of waste materials that have immense potential and are readily available in the locality as feed ingredients in pelleting animal feeds. As part of ecological solid waste management, the researchers utilized agricultural wastes such as pili pulp, coconut meal, azolla and madre de agua as primary ingredients for organic animal feed pellets. This is a highly innovative venture because these agricultural residues, which are considered left-over agro-wastes, are rich in bioactive compounds and could still be used as alternative feed ingredients to the production of organic animal feed pellets. This conversion would lessen production cost since these raw materials can be readily obtained within the locality, feed ingredients importation will be mitigated and the cost of feed production will eventually decrease, and at the same time reduce the pollution load from the environment. Consequently, this technology maximizes the utilization of valuable resources and encourages resource conservation and recovery.

Name of Inventor/s:

  • Andrew Cabiles

  • Karla Mae Cornelio

  • Jeremiah Magallanes

  • Cindy Meneses

  • Nancy Espartinez 

Company/Institution: Bicol University


Title of Technology/Invention: Make-roscope: A Portable Microscope for Mobile Device


The current pandemic limits the participation of students to attend face-to-face classes. Most affected of this issue are medical, and allied health university students. The temporary closure of school laboratories and other venues for scientific practical application pushed all material for learning to eBooks, videos, and simulations. Thus, a vital laboratory activity such as the use of microscope cannot be done by majority of students at home. The price of a microscope is too expensive if bought individually therefore future health professionals must have an alternative tool to study this significant lesson which is microscopy.


The Make-roscope is an affordable and ultra-portable microscope that unlocks the microscopic world by using your smartphone. The user operates the Make-roscope by placing it on top of a mobile device's front camera. A sample slide is then placed on top of the magnifying lens and the front camera is turned on by the user so that he/she may be able to view the sample up to 125 to 400x. No adhesive or fasteners required to view the prepared samples. The affordable price enables young minds to explore on their curiosity in the field of microscopy.

Name of Inventor/s: Jeremy Cerilla De Leon 

Company/Institution: Jeremake

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