PCCI is the voice of Philippine business recognized by government and international institutions. As a proactive catalyst of development, PCCI promotes and supports the drive for globally competitive Philippine enterprises in partnership with government, local chambers, and other business organizations.
The main responsibility of PCCI is to provide focused advocacy for business growth and sustainable development by providing business services for the advancement of grassroots entrepreneurship, chamber development, international trade relations, business innovation and excellence, and operating efficiency. These will be achieved through a professional organization working in close cooperation with various stakeholders in public and private sectors.
DOST calls on Congress to prioritize bills on R&D for sustainability
Holds S4CP Summit in NCR, South Luzon Cluster
Recognizing the need to implement sustainable research and development (R&D) programs in the country, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is calling on Congress for the passage of House Bill 4581 or the Science for Change Program (S4CP) Bill.
At the recently concluded S4CP Summit with the theme “Science for Change is Science for the People,” held at the Crimpson Hotel, Alabang, DOST Undersecretary Rowena Guevarra expressed hopes that the 19th Congress could make the bill one of its priority measures while also calling on all R&D advocates to support its efforts in lobbying with Congress for the passage of the bill.
Guevarra said that R&D is imperative for the country’s development and growth. DOST’s initiatives are geared towards accelerating and sustaining the implementation of the R&D programs in the country, bringing it closer to the people.
During the Summit, the DOST kicked off its final leg for the NCR and South Luzon Cluster where it showcased various S4CP projects in the cluster as well as in the entire country.
Engr. Sancho Maborang, DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations said that The S4CP has the sole purpose of accelerating science and development by bringing Science, Technology, and Innovation closer to every Filipino through government-academe-industry collaborations with different program components such as the Niche Center in the Region for R&D Program (NICER), Research and Development Leadership Programs (RDLead), Collaborative R&D to Leverage the Philippine Economy Program (CRADLE), and Business Innovation through S&T for Industry Programs (BIST).
“We push for the building of the research development capacities of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Research and Development Institutes (RDIs), and the enhancement of the innovation capabilities and competitiveness of Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and private partners through quality research and development,” he said.
He also acknowledged the contribution of DOST regional offices, which have served a vital role in facilitating the roll out of the programs not only in their regions but also in the whole country.
Four sub-programs are pivotal in the implementation of S4CP. The first two – NICER and RDLead - are targeted for the public sector. NICER provides Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the regions with grants so they can undertake quality research. RDLead engages experts with strong proficiencies to strengthen and train the research capabilities of higher education institutions (HEIs), research and development institutions (RDI) and government agencies.
On the other hand, the other two – CRADLE and BIST – are for the private sector. CRADLE seeks to create partnerships between HEIs and/or RDI and local companies to undertake R&D and improve their products and services. BIST provides financial assistance to MSMEs at zero percent interest for the acquisition of technology and equipment in order to advance their innovation capacity. These two projects guarantee high chances of success of projects and a reduced financial risk for R&D.
Guevarra recognized several individuals behind the success of the S4CP, among them is the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (PCCI) Innovation Committee Director Perry Ferrer, who is one of the S4CP committee members.
Within its five-year implementation, S4CP has witnessed numerous milestones. From the establishment of 6 NICERs and 3 CRADLEs in 2017, DOST now has 43 NICERs, 86 CRADLEs, 65 RDLeads, and 4 BISTs all over the country. In support of MSMEs, testimonies about the accomplishments of S4CP programs related to agriculture, pharmaceutical products, and innovative technologies from stakeholders and beneficiaries were presented as well. --- Avery Del Mundo