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PCCIHRDF launches study on Fruits and Vegetable Processing Sector in PH

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry Human Resources Development Foundation (PCCIHRDF) Inc. launched its Labor Market Intelligence (LMI) study on the fruits and vegetable processing sector last August 11, 2022.


The LMI report discusses the gaps in the sector as well as the skills needs that the stakeholders deem necessary during the research process. The priority to meet the skills requirement of industry is part of what PCCI President George T. Barcelon calls to be an essential endeavor to empower the economy.


“What we have seen in the factories in agriculture sector, we need both the volume and skills. We know that skills is important in everything. I think that this endeavor going through a formal study is crucial to see the gaps and where we could fill in,” Barcelon said.

Barcelon also mentioned that this study coincides with the government’s priority in improving the agriculture sector which requires collaboration between the government and private stakeholders.


Georgina Harley-Cavanough from the Australian government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) also stressed the importance of research-based initiatives to understand current and future skills needs.


“With the LMI Study, we hope to bring relevant information to your sector to support future endeavors and strategies,” Cavanough mentioned.


Additionally, Cavanough cited that the result of the LMI study affirms the need of Fruits and Vegetable Processing companies of both technical skills and other soft skills including creativity and teamwork. This is aligned with the priorities of A Future that Works (AFW) projects which is to promote and develop current and future skills both at technical and soft skills side. The AFW project is implemented by Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) and the PCCI Human Resources Development Foundation as partner for the fruits and vegetable processing sector.

The LMI Study was conducted last year and have inputs from various sector stakeholder including businesspeople, academe, and relevant government agencies. Among the key results of the study, are possible scenarios on the future development of the sector, career development pathways, and a human resource training plan.


“Our role is to spread the word on what the government is doing and get our local network of chamber of commerce and industries and trade associations connect with them to collaborate and for possible support that they may need,” PCCIHRDF President Dr. Alberto P. Fenix, Jr. added in his closing remarks.


The next step for PCCIHRDF is to roll out the results of the study to different areas in the country within this year to gather other possible inputs from various stakeholders.


Present during the launch are Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Training Institute (DA-ATI) Director Rosana Mula and representatives from PBED. Virtually present were Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Director Sonia Lipio and Fruits and Vegetable Processing Sector Skills Council (SSC) President Carlo Castillo. - Roy Abenaza

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