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PCCIHRDF presents Labor Market study on the fruits and vegetable processing sector during the CAMSUR 5th Food and Beverage Expo

PCCIHRDF presents Labor Market study on the fruits and vegetable processing sector during

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Human Resources Development Foundation (PCCIHRDF) Inc. presented its Labor Market Study of the fruit and vegetables processing sector during the 5th Food and Beverage Expo (FABEX) held last August 18-20, 2022, in Pili, Camarines Sur and hosted by the Camarines Sur Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (CSCCI).


With the goal of strengthening and boosting the local food and hospitality sector in the the region, the CSCCI organized key stakeholders from the food and beverage manufacturing industry, relevant government agencies, local entrepreneurs, students, educators, and suppliers, among others.


The PCCIHRDF was represented by Ms. Melissa Guino in presenting the study which hopes to contribute to the growth of the said sector by providing an overview of skills gaps, the needed skills for improvement, and possible human resource development interventions.


Mr. Marlon Miña, the Executive Director of PCCIHRDF believes that aside from having practical demonstrations, the participants can use the results of this market study as a guide in knowing their industry’s future skills need.


“Our topic is important because this LMI study looks at the skills requirements of the sector. With technological advancements coming in and reshaping the direction of the food processing sector, it is incumbent that the stakeholders look not only at the supply chain but also the types of knowledge, skills, competencies and qualifications of their human resources to implement all these changes and innovations.” Miña said during PCCIHRDF’s presentation.


The LMI report is part of the A Future that Works Project (AFW), PCCIHRDF’s partnership with Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and the PCCIHRDF Fruits and Vegetable Processing (F&VP) Sector Skills Council.  --- Melissa Guino

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