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PCCI, KANKEIREN explore business cooperation

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PCCI President Mr. George T. Barcelon recently met with Mr. Masayoshi Matsumoto, Chairman of the Kansai Economic Federation (KANKEIREN), and Officers of KANKEIREN to discuss the progress and activities of the Asia Business Creation (ABC) Platform.


In his opening statement, Mr. Matsumoto thanked the PCCI for its unwavering support to the activities of KANKEIREN.  He invited the PCCI Officers to attend the Second General Membership Meeting (2nd GMM) of KANKEIREN tentatively scheduled between November 13 and 18, 2022 in Singapore, and the 2025 Osaka/Kansai Expo.


KANKAIREN’s General Manager for ABC Platform Office, Mr. Katsuhiko Ushiba gave an overview of the ABC Platform and discussed the recent activities under the various Thematic Working Groups (TWGs).  He shared that the Tourism TWG recently participated in a Food Diversity Roundtable and that the said TWG is currently focusing on the food requirements/restrictions of tourists who will visit Japan.


Under the Human Resources Development TWG, KANKEIREN sought the support of the PCCI to introduce KANKEIREN to educational institutions.  The Agriculture and Environment TWGs are also interested to meet with the PCCI to discuss potential areas of cooperation.  Meanwhile, the Startups TWG held various virtual business matching events which were participated by large Kansai companies amidst the pandemic.


KANKEIREN is also pursuing other activities outside the TWGs and they shared about the information dissemination campaign of KANKEIREN through the ABC Platform website.


Mr. Barcelon thanked KANKEIREN for the years of meaningful friendship and collaboration.  He shared about PCCI’s main advocacy for the next two years citing various focus areas/sectors.  He reassured that the PCCI, through the International Affairs Committee and the Philippines – Japan Business Council, shall remain proactive and responsive in supporting and assisting KANKEIREN on the ABC Platform activities most especially in the medical/nursing care area and that the Chamber shall continue the promotion of the ABC Platform website to its members and regional affiliates.  He also expressed that the PCCI looks forward to participating in the 2nd GMM and the 2025 Osaka/Kansai Expo.


PCCI Director for Agriculture and Chairman for Asia/ASEAN Affairs, Mr. Roberto C. Amores recalled with Mr. Matsumoto the visit of the PCCI officers led by then President Ma. Alegria S. Limjoco to Osaka in April 2019 for the KANKEIREN General Membership Meeting.  The PCCI delegates discussed with their respective counterparts regarding assistance in the Agriculture Mechanization program and other notable projects.  He also stated that the PCCI looks forward to closely working with KANKEIREN on future activities most especially in enhancing the agriculture sector between the Philippines and Japan.


Past PCCI President, Ma. Alegria S. Limjoco expressed that the PCCI shall continue its commitment to help KANKEIREN on its endeavors most especially for the 2025 Osaka/Kansai Expo.


PCCI Director for Innovation and Science and Technology, Mr. Perry Ferrer emphasized the opportunity for collaboration between the two countries in terms of technology transfer and human resource development.  He pointed out that since Japan has already opened its borders for business and foreign travel, the PCCI can already work with KANKEIREN to provide nursing, agri, and construction workers to Japan.   Mr. Ferrer also mentioned about restarting various programs with Japan pre-COVID such as the planting of soba in Mindanao to help the conflict-affected areas in Mindanao. Lastly, he emphasized the digitalization of MSMEs.


Also present during the meeting were PCCI Treasurer Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr., Vice President/Director Enunina V. Mangio, Chairman for International Affairs Committee Jude Aguilar, Assistant Secretary General for International and Regional Affairs Department Edwin R. Glindro, Manager for International Affairs Department Lyn Gabionza, and Specialist for International Affairs Department Graciella Flores.


KANKEIREN Chairman Matsumoto was accompanied by Senior Managing Director Soichiro Seki, Director Mr. Takeshi Inoue, General Manager Ms. Akiko Hidaka, General Manager for ABC Platform Office Mr. Katsuhiko Ushiba, Mr. Zen Sadakuni of ABC Platform Bangkok Desk (Thailand), and KANKEIREN Secretariat. --- Graciella Flores

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