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PCCI Trade and Industry Cluster sets priority areas for 2022


From left to right: Mr. Sergio R. Ortiz-Luis, Jr., Chairman for Trade Facilitation and Services, Ms. Anya Marie Cruz, Policy and Program Officer, Ms. Rosemarie Bosch Ong, Chair of Trade Committee, Mr. George T. Barcelon, President and concurrent Director of the Trade and Industry Committee, Mr. Perry A. Ferrer, Director for Innovation and past Chairman of the Industry Committee, Mr. David Jude Sta. Ana, Chairman for Publicity and External Affairs, Mr. Carlos Ramon Aboitiz, Chairman of the Industry Committee, and Ms. Rhuby Conel, Assistant Secretary General for Advocacy and Communication.

Expressing concerns over the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Ever Given cargo ship getting stuck in the Suez Canal, and the recurring demand for efficient land transportation and digitalization in the Philippines, the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Trade and Industry Cluster has identified transportation, shipping, petroleum, and startup sectors as key focus areas in order to amplify the economic momentum of the country.


“We have to be cognizant of the fact that there are 700,000 to 800,000 young Filipinos graduating from school and looking for jobs annually.  We should continue with our mantra on ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ so we are not too reliant on remittances alone,” PCCI President George Barcelon stated.


The upcoming national elections is expected to boost the economy as observed in the past five election years wherein the average GDP growth is 7 percent, compared to non-election years that have an average of only 5 percent.


PCCI Vice President for Industry Affairs Mr. Perry Ferrer expressed that PCCI aims to be the conduit between the new administration and the different industry groups. “There are common challenges among industries and PCCI can voice them out to the government. The success of the Philippines lies in the success of the MSMEs,” he emphasized.


President Barcelon added, “For us in the trade and industry sector, we are keen on government agencies such as the Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the Department of Energy (DOE). Let’s be pro-active and find ways to create synergy with them.”


Trade and Industry Committee Member, Wilcon Depot Inc. Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Ms. Rosemarie Bosch-Ong, also highlighted the importance of digitalization in enhancing customer experiences of businesses. She lamented, “One of the pain points of local businesses is sourcing for startups or to help them digitize. If you want to be ahead in trade, you have to digitize your company.”


In support to Ms. Ong’s statement, President and COO of Aboitiz Power Corporation and Committee Member Mr. Carlos Aboitiz noted that the Philippines has a great opportunity in improving its competitive advantage with digitalization as an ‘emerging space’.


“As a business group, our success is the success of the country. We’d like to find ways to help grow the pie and this is an opportune moment for the country to thrive in the next couple years,” said Mr. Aboitiz.


The Philippine News Agency reported almost 800,000 jobs created in December 2021, resulting in the total employment rate of three million. Another positive economic factor is the ease in domestic inflation, which decelerated to three percent in January from December’s 3.2 percent. --- Anya Marie Cruz

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