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Ph advised to utilize GSP+ to export to EU markets

In a presentation on the result of the EU GSP+ policy study, ARISE Plus Philippines, a project supported by the International Trade Centre (ITC) revealed that the country has much room to boost the benefits of the GSP+ in the country.


Findings of the study revealed that the Philippines’ GSP utilization increased from 69% to 76% from 2014-2021.  Top GSP+ exports include agricultural products such as coconut oil, tuna, and pineapples, as well as electronic and machinery products. Due to its high utilization rate, it allowed these sectors to expand their production, hire more workforce, and diversify their products.  Dr. Anette Pelkmans, ITC Expert and Economist, noted that there is still room to boost the benefits of the GSP+ in the country.


Pelksman identified the garments and leather sectors as a key areas of policy interest due to their high preferential margins but low registered utilization rates.


ARISE Plus PH recommended several policies that can improve the utilization rate of some sectors:

  • Targeting negotiations to further lower tariffs on products of interest,

  • Initiating policy assistance and support in complying with standards and certifications and registrations,

  • Mapping of compliance requirements, and,

  • Increasing information campaigns toward local exporters.


In a separate session on a Private-Public Dialogue on Innovating Industrial Policy Frameworks also organized by ITC-ARISE Plus PH, experts urged the government to align investment policies with the industrial policy frameworks.  Detailing investment policy tools such as incentives, performance requirements, investment facilitation and screening, Mr. Rodrigo Polanco, ITC Investment Policy Expert, expressed that the economic movers should choose priority investment policies to gradually integrate to the country’s industrialization strategy.


Moreover, building on the concept of innovation-led industrial development, Mr. Anthony Patrick Chua from the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Philippines expounded on the country’s huge potential in harnessing opportunities from digital trade and e-commerce considering the young population of Filipinos who are active users of the internet.


“The Philippine digital sector contributes significantly to the economy post pandemic. In 2020, the internet economy in the Philippines was estimated to be worth about $7.5 Billion USD and expected to grow 30% annually to reach close to $30 Billion by 2025,” Chua said.


Aside from e-commerce, ITC-ARISE explored e-vehicles and digital economic partnerships to further adapt to Industry 4.0. Strengthening innovative capacities of businesses, agencies, and the general workforce remains to be the priority recommendation of experts in integrating the domestic industrial strategy to international trade and investment policies.  Avery Del Mundo

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