PCCI is the voice of Philippine business recognized by government and international institutions. As a proactive catalyst of development, PCCI promotes and supports the drive for globally competitive Philippine enterprises in partnership with government, local chambers, and other business organizations.
The main responsibility of PCCI is to provide focused advocacy for business growth and sustainable development by providing business services for the advancement of grassroots entrepreneurship, chamber development, international trade relations, business innovation and excellence, and operating efficiency. These will be achieved through a professional organization working in close cooperation with various stakeholders in public and private sectors.

PRESCON PHILS. INC. - Prescon's product is the supply and installation of post-tensioning tendons and accessories.
The flexibility of Prescon's system affords both the designer and the builder a system tailored to need an anchorage variation suited to the particular structure.
An integral component of The Prescon System of post-tension is the Presconcept: Total Service - something that the company has always provided, a tradition not just an idea.
Website: https://www.presconinc.com/