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Rice sufficiency is possible for the country

The Philippines can attain rice sufficiency with the appropriate solutions and support for the farming community.


Agriculture expert, Dr. Rodolfo Undan who was invited to discuss his paper on strategies to make the Philippine rice self-sufficient at the meeting of the PCCI’s Agriculture Committee said there are doable solutions to the Philippine rice problems. 


To increase the productivity of farmers and ensure sustainability, Dr. Undan pushed forward the following solutions:

  1. Use of the best technologies in rice production;

  2. An irrigation system that uses rainfall and irrigation waters effectively

  3. Acceleration of the complete mechanization of major farm operations

  4. Practice of sustainable and smart farming


Meanwhile, to help farmers, Dr. Undan emphasized the following strategies:

  1. Protection of farmers from the sudden drop in farm gate price

  2. Strengthening of farmer’s cooperatives and associations (FCA)

  3. Increasing the capability of the National Food Authority to serve the farmers

  4. Provision of subsidies for farmers

  5. Continuing research and development for second-generation problems that may emerge.


PCCI continues to undertake meetings with experts to develop a holistic policy brief and help government put together strategies towards a food security.  The policy brief will be submitted to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who has taken on the post as concurrent Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. - Joanna Paula Pascual

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